Home Irish Lyrics Irish Midi Files Irish Karaokes Original Songs My Family Frank Lennon Estepona An Irish Blessing Learn An Irish Song Guitar Class Lyrics Guitar Class Sheets Guitar Class Videos Session Recordings A Song That Influenced My Life ("Tom Dooley") THIS WEBSITE SUPPORTS THE UKRAINIAN PEOPLE IN THEIR STRUGGLE
Frank Lennon's
Contact me at: flennon0@gmail.com
"Some of these songs sing of the 'terrible beauty' Yeats wrote about. Others sing of love, homesickness, emigration, the music and the craic. All of them are sung in Irish homes, halls and pubs and reflect the spirit, traditions and history of the Irish people." Frank Lennon Enjoy them! Click on the button above for the "Lyrics" page ALL TITLES ARRANGED BY FRANK LENNON PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE IF POSTING ON ANOTHER WEBSITE [IF YOU WISH TO POST ANY OF THESE MIDI FILES ON YOUR OWN WEBSITE PLEASE FEEL FREE TO DO SO BUT ALSO PLEASE GIVE RECOGNITION TO THE FACT THAT I ARRANGED THESE IRISH MIDI FILES, BY POSTING WITH THEM, MY NAME AND/OR WEBSITE ADDRESS] (while some of these songs may not be of Irish origin, they will be heard played in Irish bars) (NB: Midi Files are like Karaoke without the words. If you click on a midi file it should use your soundcard to play. If you have a good soundcard and the midi file is well arranged it should sound realistic like music on a CD. Midi files may be song tracks, symphonies, jingles etc.) All the following MIDI files were arranged using the 128 GM sounds and settings on a Korg NS5R Sound Module and Roland's "Virtual Sound Canvas". As your sound source may be different, these MIDI files may require tweaking. For example, instead of using the mandolin sound from one of the many NS5R sound banks, I chose instead to "create" the sound using one of the GM guitar sounds as these GM sounds can be found on almost all sound sources. While this is acceptable on my sound source, some changes may be required on your sound source. My tenor banjo sound may also need fixing. Other settings such as reverb, chorus, transpose etc may need re-aligning. These files were all arranged to closely resemble a typical Irish ballad group (I used to play in one called "Folklore" many years ago) with a possible selection of guitar, 5 string banjo, tenor banjo, flute, tin whistle, bodhran and bass - no uileann pipes sound is possible as not even the GM bagpipes sound is anywhere near realistic. I have used poetic licence to enhance many of the songs to sound the way I would love to have them sound. These files may be used in the teaching or learning of Irish songs or "ballads" as they're called here in Ireland or indeed may be used as backing tracks in a "live" performance situation. As a matter of fact you will find that most of them have intros, endings, key changes, additional instrumental verses etc. for use as "live" backing tracks so haul out that guitar, hitch your sound source to a PA system, crank up the volume, open the "lyrics" page and a bottle of Guinness and pretend you're in your favourite Irish singing pub in Dublin and you're the singer!!!!!!!! (Check the "Lyrics" page for arrangements of these songs) I strongly recommend downloading the free vanBasco's Karaoke Player to play these files as some will display words as well *** a song, borne of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, , by Tommy Sands, a fine songwriter from Mayobridge, Co.Down For Lyrics and Chord Arrangements to all the songs go to "Lyrics" page