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 Computer/Keyboard Setup        MIDI Keyboard

Mixer Screen

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The mixing desk above resembles the basic standard mixing desk found in many of the home studios. Professional desks are huge and can have 64 tracks or more. The above desk has 16 for MIDI purposes.

Aside from the usual taskbar along the top of every screen, this screen shows the sixteen channel numbers and below each number the same control facilities are offered on each channel.

The led display does not show volume levels as in standard mixers but shows the level of MIDI activity on that channel

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Next are the reverb and chorus dials which may be turned using the cursor.

When the solo and mute buttons are pressed the led glows red. The solo button allows you to listen to only the sound on that channel while the mute button kills the sound of the channel. Multi channels may be muted together or solo-ed together.

Turning the pan dials sends the sound to the desired location within the stereo spectrum.

The faders alter the volume levels ( these do not effect the LED displays )

Along the bottom the names of the patches are displayed.

Sequencers    Trackview    Mixer    Notation    Piano Roll    Event Editor    GM List    Drum List

 Computer/Keyboard Setup        MIDI Keyboard


 Home     Lyrics     Irish Midi Files     Irish Karaokes 

Original Songs      My Family       Frank Lennon   Guitar Class    Midi Sequencing

Estepona    An Irish Blessing     Take Good Care Of Her
